Kunsthaus, Kunsthaus, Kunstküche, Kunstküche, Inna Langner, Inna Langner, Inna Tumarkin, Inna Tumarkin, Acryl, Acryl, Aquarell, Aquarell, Aquarelle, Aquarelle, Öl, Öl, Oil, Oil, Ölbilder, Ölbilder, Oilbilder, Oilbilder, Bilder in Öl, Bilder in Öl, Maltechniken, Maltechniken, Radierung, Radierung, Radierungen, Radierungen, Spachtel, Spachtel, Skultpuren, Skultpuren, Graphik, Graphik, Graphiken, Graphiken, Collage, Collage, Collagen, Collagen, unendliche Linie, unendliche Linie, Unterolberndorf, Unterolberndorf, Kreuttal, Kreuttal, Kreuttalstrasse, Kreuttalstrasse, Kunstkurse, Kunstkurse, Kurse für Kinder, Kurse für Kinder, Kurse für Erwachsene, Kurse für Erwachsene, Kinderkurse, Kinderkurse, Erwachsenenkurse, Erwachsenenkurse, Kunstkurse für Kinder, Kunstkurse für Kinder, Kunstkurse für Erwachsene, Kunstkurse für Erwachsene, und, und, mit, mit, von, von,
- 15 years of teaching experience across all sectors of fine arts education
- Vast experience in developing comprehensive fine arts curricula and managing international art events
- Top awards for projects and competition entries developed with students
- International acclaim as an artist, with exhibitions in premier art galleries in Europe and beyond
2001 - current Kunsthaus, Unterolberndorf, Austria
Director / Principal Instructor
- Develop curriculum and teaching aides and act as a Principal Instructor for over forty different fine art courses for children and adults; including drawing, painting, graphic design, illustration, portraiture, mosaics and calligraphy
- Provide workshops and specialist training for fine art teachers from a growing number of secondary schools
- Develop and lead a diverse range of workshops for secondary school students
- Managed international summer academy specialising in intensive fine art courses and culminating in an exhibition for all participants
- Developed business partnership and collaborative projects with the Senica Art School in Slovakia
- Managed the establishment of Poysdorf branch of Kunsthaus
- Student projects receive various international awards
1999 – current Private Secondary School, Wolkersdorf
Fine Arts Teacher / Co-ordinator
- Opened an art gallery on the school’s premises, with the exhibition program featuring leading contemporary artists
- Created ground-breaking art projects, incorporating fine arts education with the rest of school subjects
- Led innovative projects, focusing on the creation of short films in collaboration with the Austrian Art Service
- Introduced multimedia education to the school’s arts curriculum
1996 Mistelbach College
Specialist Fine Arts Teacher
- Student projects won international awards
- Built close links between the fine arts program and local community, with the emphasis on mutual transformation
1991-1994 Wiener Neustadt Secondary School
Fine Arts Teacher
- Developed projects incorporating music and fine arts appreciation
- Led programs in book illustration, calligraphy and publishing
1999 – current ´Kunstlerische Werbegraphic´
Director / Principal Graphic Designer
- Created and manage a graphic design company specialising in the use of high art style and philosophy in advertising
- Created exclusive advertising portfolios for high-profile clients in a range of industries, including wine manufacture, building restoration, regional promotion and hair-dressing
2002 Kunsthaus Festival, Unterolberndorf
- Instigated and managed a highly successful international art event with active participation from more than sixty international artists and craftsmen as well as a diverse range of workshops on offer
- Promoted far-ranging collaboration between local residents, artists, manufacturers of fine art supplies and high-profile public figures
- Developed an innovative framework for the festival, focused on demystifying the process of making art, with all participating artists creating exclusive artworks in the course of the event
1989 – current
- Received wide international acclaim in response to solo and group exhibitions in Austria, Germany, USA, Australia,
Switzerland, Russia and Ukraine
- Committed to perfecting and synthesising skills across diverse art techniques and genres, including drawing, painting, lithographs, graphic design, mosaics, ceramics, puppet-making, papermaking, painting on glass, interior design, fashion, film-making and multimedia
- Wide media coverage of my art projects in Austria and internationally
Art Academy, Supervisor – Professor Zens
- 2003 – current, Ph.D thesis ‘Art, Semiotics and Society’, Vienna
- 1994 – Bachelor of Arts, The University of Vienna
- 1992 – Specialist Courses in Fine Arts, The University of Vienna & the Viennese Academy of Arts
- 1991 – Recognition of B.A Qualifications, The University of Applied Arts, Faculty of Graphics and Painting, Vienna
- 1984-1989, B.A in Fine Arts (with Honours), Faculty of Graphics and Industrial Design, Ukrainian Arts Academy – the youngest student accepted by the Faculty. Achieved high results in all subjects, including graphic art, painting, illustration, ceramics, portraiture and photography
German – Fully fluent, English – Advanced comprehension and communication skills, Russian – Native speaker, Ukrainian – Advanced comprehension and communication skills